It was early of November and school was about to end. School started to become a lil boring coz we had nothing else to do. All we did was play chess, board games or whatever (sadly, we can't even bring our own).
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
One Music Idol 2011
Posted by Aiza Jasmin at 10:31 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
I got a new haircut!
Hey guys!
So today...well not so many hours ago, I had a haircut!
Well, I was nervous! Didn't know how it will end up like!
She or he (sorry I was confused xD) cut my hair almost a lil bit wayyyy too short than how I expected it to be! Was crying inside O.O
Well here's how my hair is now:
![]() |

Was pretty disappointed and happy at the same time! :( :)
I'm gotta get used to this anyway! x)
Posted by Aiza Jasmin at 10:21 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 7, 2011
Posted by Aiza Jasmin at 4:24 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Funny Skype Chat With Hazirah! :D
[11/4/2011 7:28:41 PM] Aiza Jasmin: HEY!!!
[11/4/2011 7:28:47 PM] Aiza Jasmin: you eat AIZ CREAM!
[11/4/2011 7:28:51 PM] Aiza Jasmin: >:(
[11/4/2011 7:28:55 PM] Aiza Jasmin: > : (
[11/4/2011 7:28:55 PM] Aiza Jasmin: (
[11/4/2011 7:28:59 PM] Aiza Jasmin: *
[11/4/2011 7:29:07 PM] Aiza Jasmin: I JEALOUS!
[11/4/2011 8:05:09 PM] Hazirah Izzati: ]:) (y)
[11/4/2011 8:05:40 PM] Aiza Jasmin: ko jgn cari pasal dgn ai!
[11/4/2011 8:06:16 PM] Hazirah Izzati: apesal dgn u ni
[11/4/2011 8:07:13 PM] Aiza Jasmin: saya jeles
[11/4/2011 8:07:15 PM] Aiza Jasmin: tu je
[11/4/2011 8:07:45 PM] Aiza Jasmin: (wait i dont really mean it kay o.o im just..."for fun" right now x)
[11/4/2011 8:07:58 PM] Hazirah Izzati: (yea i know)
[11/4/2011 8:08:02 PM] Hazirah Izzati: (im speechless)
[11/4/2011 8:08:24 PM] Aiza Jasmin: (LOL) harap2 ko jgn terasa ah!
[11/4/2011 8:08:47 PM] Hazirah Izzati: Oh aku kewl kewl je babe
[11/4/2011 8:09:10 PM] Aiza Jasmin: fiuh! :{D
[11/4/2011 8:09:16 PM] Aiza Jasmin: SO EK ZAM KO CAMNE
[11/4/2011 8:09:38 PM] Hazirah Izzati: Wei sepeling ko salah dooooooooooooooh
[11/4/2011 8:09:47 PM] Hazirah Izzati: axam bukan ek zam
[11/4/2011 8:09:56 PM] Hazirah Izzati: APE AH KO NI
[11/4/2011 8:10:07 PM] Hazirah Izzati: Axam aku okay jeww
[11/4/2011 8:10:34 PM] Aiza Jasmin: ALAMAKKKK!!! AQ ni x otak centre mlm ni...
[11/4/2011 8:10:35 PM] Aiza Jasmin: haihihhh
[11/4/2011 8:10:57 PM] Hazirah Izzati: Oh ko ok ke xnih?
[11/4/2011 8:11:02 PM] Hazirah Izzati: ok ke????????????
[11/4/2011 8:11:09 PM] Aiza Jasmin: KO?
[11/4/2011 8:11:26 PM] Hazirah Izzati: Aq mcm rihanna baru kluar rehab
[11/4/2011 8:11:29 PM] Hazirah Izzati: CUN
[11/4/2011 8:11:58 PM] Aiza Jasmin: ahaha! ya seperti lagunya" OH NANA What my nem kan?
[11/4/2011 8:12:20 PM] Aiza Jasmin: mungkin pasai kris coklat tu ketuk dia kot
[11/4/2011 8:12:24 PM] Hazirah Izzati: A'ah yang tu! HaHaHaHaHaHaaaaaaaa
[11/4/2011 8:12:31 PM] Aiza Jasmin: sampai dia amne ja!
[11/4/2011 8:12:38 PM] Aiza Jasmin: amnesiiiaaaaaaa
[11/4/2011 8:12:42 PM] Hazirah Izzati: kris tu hitam pastu nak blond blond rmbutnya
[11/4/2011 8:12:55 PM] Hazirah Izzati: teruk betuih!
[11/4/2011 8:12:59 PM] Aiza Jasmin: ye ke? omai goch!
[11/4/2011 8:13:31 PM] Hazirah Izzati: Ko tak tengok ke lahu biebir tu
[11/4/2011 8:13:35 PM] Hazirah Izzati: lagu*
[11/4/2011 8:13:40 PM] Aiza Jasmin: OH YA! ya ya!
[11/4/2011 8:13:45 PM] Aiza Jasmin: mise to eh?
[11/4/2011 8:13:45 PM] Hazirah Izzati: yang alahai mcm dunai pecah berai tu
[11/4/2011 8:13:49 PM] Aiza Jasmin: miseh to?
[11/4/2011 8:14:03 PM] Hazirah Izzati: yang dia cium kiss kiss pempuan last
[11/4/2011 8:14:03 PM] Aiza Jasmin: necks tu yu koh?
[11/4/2011 8:14:15 PM] Hazirah Izzati: astaughfirrlaahhhhh
[11/4/2011 8:14:15 PM] Aiza Jasmin: HAIIYOOOOO! MAKSIAT BETOI!
[11/4/2011 8:14:34 PM] Hazirah Izzati: BETOI BETOI MAKSIAT!
[11/4/2011 8:14:39 PM] Hazirah Izzati: SIAL LAH TUI!
[11/4/2011 8:14:58 PM] Aiza Jasmin: macam mano lah org zaman ini
[11/4/2011 8:15:07 PM] Aiza Jasmin: haiiiiiiih
[11/4/2011 8:15:27 PM] Hazirah Izzati: Sesat amat
[11/4/2011 8:15:34 PM] Aiza Jasmin: orng white mmg gitu
[11/4/2011 8:15:35 PM] Hazirah Izzati: IshIsHiSh
[11/4/2011 8:15:47 PM] Hazirah Izzati: orang hitam legam lagi lah teruk
[11/4/2011 8:15:59 PM] Hazirah Izzati: ni ha Apetu yang si buntut besar tuh
[11/4/2011 8:16:05 PM] Aiza Jasmin: HAHAHAHAHAH
[11/4/2011 8:16:07 PM] Hazirah Izzati: Baru kawin tu ha
[11/4/2011 8:16:19 PM] Aiza Jasmin: KIM KARDA SHI AN EH?
[11/4/2011 8:16:22 PM] Aiza Jasmin: eh eh eh x x x x
[11/4/2011 8:17:04 PM] Aiza Jasmin: saya dengaq dio tu dah...ape tu...uhhh ape tuuuu d-dd-d-vour....AH DIVORS!
[11/4/2011 8:17:07 PM] Hazirah Izzati: Dengan laki KERIS
[11/4/2011 8:17:15 PM] Aiza Jasmin: Selepas 75 hari jo !
[11/4/2011 8:17:17 PM] Hazirah Izzati: bukan divors
[11/4/2011 8:17:21 PM] Hazirah Izzati: vivois
[11/4/2011 8:17:26 PM] Hazirah Izzati: divois
[11/4/2011 8:17:37 PM] Aiza Jasmin: OHHHH (HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA) ish!
[11/4/2011 8:17:40 PM] Aiza Jasmin: YA BETOI!
[11/4/2011 8:17:43 PM] Aiza Jasmin: VIVOIS!
[11/4/2011 8:17:58 PM] Aiza Jasmin: DIA VIVOIS DGN KRIS
[11/4/2011 8:18:01 PM] Aiza Jasmin: ISH ISH ISH
[11/4/2011 8:18:19 PM] Hazirah Izzati: keris
[11/4/2011 8:18:21 PM] Hazirah Izzati: KERIS
[11/4/2011 8:18:22 PM] Hazirah Izzati: Haih
[11/4/2011 8:18:23 PM] Hazirah Izzati: kamu
[11/4/2011 8:18:26 PM] Hazirah Izzati: nih
[11/4/2011 8:18:26 PM] Aiza Jasmin: (HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA)
[11/4/2011 8:18:31 PM] Aiza Jasmin: ALAMOM!
[11/4/2011 8:18:33 PM] Hazirah Izzati: Hahaha
[11/4/2011 8:18:39 PM] Hazirah Izzati: WE SHOULD STOP
[11/4/2011 8:19:23 PM] Hazirah Izzati: :'D
[11/4/2011 8:20:00 PM] Hazirah Izzati: hari sbelem tu ali baba sembelih ayam tetibe dia sedar dia tersembelih dia sen diri
[11/4/2011 8:20:08 PM] Aiza Jasmin: HAHAHHAAHAHAHAHA
Posted by Aiza Jasmin at 2:47 AM 0 comments
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Subang Jaya Talent Quest Finals 2011

I am tootaaaallllyy gonna blow it x(

up there on the stage!
you mean every word you sing!
from the other judges* sorryyy!!
*Leaves the stage*
We'll see her in a bigger stage or

we(contestant) would feel....but nvm x)

Saturday, March 12, 2011
Subang Jaya Talent Quest 2011 Auditions
Last night, my dad and I rehearsed the song I was gonna sing for the audition. I wanted to sing Grenade by Bruno Mars guy but my dad really looks like he wanted me to sing Ben by Michael Jackson. So we rehearsed both songs.
Venue: Held at a studio-ish building in SS13 Time: 10am
Reached there about 10.10am....hehe xP Everyone there looked soo good! Dancers all dressed up and wore make up! I just wore my purple skirt with black tights and a tee that says,"Gotta Have Music" and ma black Converse...
Registered myself and sat down. There were not much people in the audition. I was given a piece of paper.It was my number. I got 007. Dad:"Whoah! Got license to kill man!" People rehearsing outside the room! People singing! A teenager estimating 17 yrs of age playing his guitar with his group which are singing Tik Tok(Whoah they really have the Harmony! it was awesome!)
The host welcomed us once we were all seated. So,the first contestants are number 14(yes,the number is not in sequence!gave me a shock at that time coz I thought it was x) ) They were very good dancers! I mean whoah...that is cool!
After 5 or more people performed....
Before it was even my turn I was:-
~So nervous(obviously)
~My heart beat grew faster
~My hands got colder
~My teeth were chattering (i mean seriously!)
"Next is number seven...(oh shoot that's ME!!!").....teen(ohh thank goooddneess!!)"
My dad laughed! Haha! I mean c'mon! That scared me man!
Oh yeah remember the group I said who were gonna sing Tik Tok...yeah...they are number seventeen. They were cool!!
"Next is"
Oh great! x( Stood in front of everyone.... *Ben instrumental starts playing...* Sang the best I could... *While singing* (oh shoot! I didnt reach my note well! bet my dad is disappointed now :/ )
After I sang the whooollee song...everyone clapped!
As I walked back to my seat,one guy said to me,"that was really good :) :) " "Thank you! :) (s0 much)" Sat next to my dad, i can't believe how dry my lip was so dry! I was about to cry!(I mean seriously) my dad said I did well..."but I didnt reach the note!" "nahh you did fine(: "
All those chattering teeth,cold hands,heart beat.....alll OVER!
There were a lot of talented dancers there! There were also a few talented singers!
Finally, the audition in that session ended(early)
Results will be sent through Wednesday!
Wish Me Luck Everyone! :D
Posted by Aiza Jasmin at 11:36 PM 0 comments