HI! This may be two months ago! Buuttt I
am still gonna share the moments with you anyway :D
When I saw this in my e-mail, I was super excited that I was chosen as one of the 8 finalists! :

YYYYYYYAAAAAY!!!!!!! :DDDD I passed the
~On the BIG DAY! :D~
~Woke up in the morning and rehearse a bit
with my dad before going to Sunway Main Concourse
for the rehearsals.
~Reached to the Main Concourse and saw dancers.
...(btw,there are only two singers for finalists -.- Zamaera and me)
~I was no.4 to perform
~And there I saw that lil cutie! Amelia! The lil mermaid! (Will show a pic of her later on)
~So it was my turn to rehearse! Sang half of the song(just a quick rehearsal/sound check)
~I feel so happy that he liked my voice...one of the sponsor guy,"You sang
beautiful" Me: :) [Thanks :')] and the cutie's mom was like...You should go for Star
Search...(Hahahah! No wayy)
~So yeah~
~Getting Ready~
~Went to a Salon to do my hair! (Yay! Second time to a salon! Heehee(I sound so sad xD)
~I actually wanted a bouncy hair at the top of my head.....(if you know what I m
ean) but they suggested something that is nicer...so yeah I just,"Cool Ok" and I put my favourite feather clip on :)
~Wore my new outfit,wore my mom's long necklace, put make up....
~Take a few pics before we go!

Here I am....outside my house! :D
~Show starts with flashmob and performance by Shawn Lee!(hisss gooooood)
~They all look so good!

~This is how the stage looks like at
Sunway Pyramid Main Concourse
~A loooooooooooottt of people start to gathe
r! Ground Floor,Second Floor,First Floor,etc.
(Made me even more nervous,I tell you!)
~Host comes by and welcomed them to "
~His kinda funny
Though Im pretty not sure who's first buuuttt!(oh zamaeraaa was!)
Second performer:
Madeline Ashlee Lok!!!!! (She is simply goood at playing this instrument-that-I-forgot-what-the-name-was!)

Third Performer: HIJAU!!!I love the song to this danceee :DDD! So naiissss! :D

*breaths deeply*

I sang Ben by Michael Jackson! :D
(um...i can't believed my sis teared O.O)
~I hate this part~
Host starts interviewing me ! Great! In front of 100s of people!
I am tootaaaallllyy gonna blow it x(
I am tootaaaallllyy gonna blow it x(

Host: Wow! Wow! That was *something something I for
got* So Jasmin....are you a fan of Michael Jackson
Me: Yes,I am! :D
Host: Out of MMILLLLIIIOOONNSSS of songs.
...why....did you choose.................this song?
Me: (OH NO! OH NO! OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
""Dad: "This song because this song has a lot of feelings
*i forgot *i forgot* Furthermore,
Michael Jackson just died and thats sadder
(actually I forgot what my dad said to me but the way he said it was
waaaayyy sadder what I said on stage to him."""
(Well I sang this) Because......
Michael Jackson just.......died.....
and this song....has......a lot of.....feelings....
~Judges and the look of my family in the crowd smiles
like they were about to laugh~
Host: ohhhh!!! So you singing this coz someone just died?
*smiles* *Crowd laughs*

~Meet The Judges~
Judges' comment!

Juwita Suwito: You look really comfortable
up there on the stage!
up there on the stage!
When you sang the song,
you mean every word you sing!
you mean every word you sing!
Me: *smiles* Thank youuu!!
*forgets the rest of the comment
from the other judges* sorryyy!!
from the other judges* sorryyy!!
Me: Thank you(soooooooooo much)!!
*Leaves the stage*
*Leaves the stage*
Host: Wow! And that was Aiza Jasmin....
We'll see her in a bigger stage or
We'll see her in a bigger stage or
maybe Malaysian Idol!
*Crowd Claps!*
Meet Juwita Suwito: She's a Malaysian singer!

Next Contestant:
Meet the cutest one contestant of all.....
Amelia Lee...
She is 4 years old and she
learns her dance from Youtube....
she danced to Under The Sea and Nobody...

Hahaha there she is...dancing away! xD
Sorryy to the other contestants...
You can obviously tell how
we(contestant) would feel....but nvm x)
we(contestant) would feel....but nvm x)

Host: woowww! howww cuuuteee!!!
So Amelia....how long have you been practising?
Amelia: *grabs Mic* (.................)
Host: Ookkkkaayyy I'll say it slowly....
Hoowwww...looonngg...have youuuu
beeenn prrraaacctiiissiinnnngggg....
Amelia: *grabs Mic* (..................................)
Host:HAHAHA....! Ok never mind!

Next: Nehe Ting!(his awesooomeee)

This are the zombies of the competition...called the Ressurect!
NO.3: Madeline
No.2: The Ressurects

Yang Berhormat/Berbahagia/I FORGOT Hannah Yeoh :)
Hannah: Please join again next yearrrrrrr! !

Juwita Suwito and I!
Juwita: I really meant what I said just now(when I was on stage)

Family with Yang Berbahagia/Berhormat/I Forgot
He asked for my Father's number and gave his card :O :D

We allll shaked hands......
I would like to thank my
dad for training me....
family for supporting me!
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