Monday, July 12, 2010


Sunday, July 11, 2010

Hari Karnival SMK Seafield 10th July 2010

Yesterday was Hari Karnival Day, I woke up 7..something am and got ready with everything before I go and went to school at 8. almost 30 am...with my p.e baju(I know we were suppose to wear baju sukan sekolah...[to take attendance])...but I brought baju tukar. I was saying I went to school and went straight to my stall which was located in front of the parking lot opposite dengan pengetua's parking area there...So...I went to start helping my friends...(or did I call Izlyn first...wait sorry Izlyn I forgot....anyway...doesnt matter..)and I saw them selling food(of course) I went to teacher and gave her to containers of caramel pudding my mom made for me just for this Karnival last two nights...and so...I arranged it in front left of our stall...

I put up the manila card Puan Sumalidza gave me like about 6 of em' but I only used three..I did one of them with Vanessa Yaw....I asked Noruddin to put the sign on the top of the tent...(because I was short =.=")...So there it was two manila cards...the other manila card I did was for games...(poor syafiqah...bought all the fish for the the end we didnt use them cox we dont have the swimming pool thingy)...I saw Izlyn...and we walked around together around the school...(anyway..we didnt do much when we walked just bought a drink, Izlyn...
Soo....we went to people play games...walked around...and I bought Mee Seddaaapp at 2Cekap's stall which was my class...yummy! So..Izlyn's family finally came and we stopped hanging out for awhile coz she had to hang out with her family...I had to wait for Suraya at 1..something pm...(she has her tuition so she cant come early)...So...I got a lil' lonely for a bit of that time...So I just decided to work...y' wass really tiring that I regret not tying my hair coz it was super held the container of my jelly...and...

I asked Bay to help me "Lelong the Jellies..." So...we mostly went to our stall's row...we also went to the other side of the row and kantin but only for a short while but mostly our row...but Bay he was soo funny...he shouted...funny stuffs to attract ppl from buying but just not that that...because his scarying people with his shout..."EVERYONE! BUY OUR JELLIES HOT DAY! IT'S HYPER DELICIOUS(hyper I know...LOL!!!)...when he got soo bored he shouted angrily...."BUUUYYY OUR JELLLIESS!!!!!!!!!" I was like...take it easy boy...HAHA...He was just scarying our customers away! So...I also have to Lelong jugak tau..."Caramel Jelly 1 for 2 ringgit...2 for 3 ringgit...!!!! IT'S HOT DAY!! buy buy!"...( buy! dont go bye bye! LOL!)SO...we sold the jellies....SCORE!!!..then..I went and helped teachr....poor teachr...working so hard for us....So.. I helped her masak Mi Sedaappp(The highes demand for people...)Some people dont mind waiting for us to cook it mostly earned a lot b'coz of Mi Sedap..I cooked the Mi in the pot while teacher cuts all the seasoning and put it in the pot and I transfer the noodle in the pot...kacau kacau...we sell...people buy and it goes on and on and took a rest went to play at some class's game...a game that you know you smash the tin with a ball...(mine was a tennis ball) so...yes...It was rm3 for 3 played and I just got a packet of three sweet candies it in and I only ate one...

I didnt do much stuff...coz I had no one to hang out with at that time...I just walked around alone...Marissa couldnt come coz family came frm USA and Suraya...tuition....(which are all understandable...).BACK TO WORK! Work and workk...while waitin for Suraya to come...It was 1 o'clock I called Suraya...."Where are you?"and we talked(I cant tell you the rest of it,k...?)...So...I went outside...At first I satt(I sat near where we wait for our parents...sorry donno the specifoc word for it...!) ...but what's the point maybe she's just there....and I was right she was there with her dad in the car....she saw me and came out of the we went inside my school together...and she saw her ol' frens...but they were kinda rude...Suraya was like "Oh my gosh hi!!!" and the girl said.."Haha I dont care.." I was like what the heck did she just rude! Anyway we just walked on...and I made her play the game I played...remember the smash the tin game thingy we played (yes I know WE played)together and we got a prize...some milk and I decided to give it to Suraya...I walked behind the HaunteD hOuse...O.o I hear scray noises...ahhh!!! whooo.....hoo...there were four Haunted Houses there...Suraya"Can we go in Can we go in?" I said," No way,man!(I am not gonna risk my life for this...I hate clowns)"....I asked Callie wether its scary for her...she works there of course she wont...and her answer is No lah...c'mon Aiza...I said no way...I mean c;mon I hear screamings and I saw a teacher and she smiled like she was going to laugh when I looked at her...

I saw a few people coming out form the Haunted Hhouse...I asked them,"Was it Scary?" "He said "Yes"...Okay...this way no way I was going in there..and I asked one of the this scary..? and she said.."Oh I work here"....I see I see....So I walked and looked at the other Haunted House...Suraya begged me...Namin Namin! Pleaseee! Can we go in the Haunted House...and guess what? I said tFhe word "O" "K".....this time...I wanted to try and kknow what it feels like in we had to wait for three groups to finish...yes we have to go in way we have to go alone!...In my group we had four was our time! "EEEKK!!!" HELP!"
So...we had a guider with us...Eng Yaw's bro...I think his name is Paul...ok nver whtevr...doesnt matter...we went insisde the Haunted House...I was all blAck...for obvious reasons(DARK!) It feels so scary and I saw the person wearing a glowing in the dark mask (a movie named Halloween)<--that mask in the muvee..anyway...We walked slowly and I closed my eyes!!! And i I reaaalllyyy hate the part when we had to crawl under the about a few tables it was dark and suraya was like..."Namin? Are you still there...and are you okay?" I can feel that some people worked as ghosts were touching and I said..LOL!...."Stop touching me! That's harassment!" I know...I didnt know what I was sayin!!! so...while we crawled I didnt know when to get up coz It was all dark and when to stop crawling....So I got up without hitting the table on my head...we turn to the right...I saw a girl...she was not scary...She had a torchlight on her face...all she did was cover her face with her hair....

I said..." HI! My name is Susan!" While helding out my hand waiting for a shake hand...and all she did was "AAHHH!!!" sCrEaM....I was like ...hey! I was just being friendly...and I saw another girl who is suppose to look like Ju On....I said Hi! My Name is Fred! and I said..I know I know...your name is Ju On...Sheesh...and i was already the end of the Haunted House...And that guy who holds the torchlight asked us ..."Are you scared?" I was like.." No...they were really friendly to me!" gUESS What? After the end of the haunnted house...I screamed in the classroom..(yess a classroom)..."Thank you all! You guys are all FRIENDLY TO ME!!".....That guy who holds the torchlight said...If you were alone here...maybe you mite be scared...and at that second I thought...(yes...I will be scared if I go alone all by myself!"....Suraya, me and the other two girls came out of the haunted house...and Paul said,"Thank you for coming!" It was already 3 o'clock pm and it's time the Karnival starts to close...We had to finish our coupons as fast as possible and we went to the Dewan to see wether there are still games for us to play...So... we saw a tent and we came and peeked on what is inside the...The Tent says...Tarot Reading...a girl asked you want to go for a tarot reading....I said what is it.. :-S? ...she said she is like a good tarot reader...there are three categories..general...(and the other two I forgot but all I remember that It is lebih mahal lagi)...I said to Suraya...tak payah need lah macam tak baik lah buat macam nii...but she really wanted to I said fine...when it was her turn...the guy started shuffling his deck of cards...I couldnt get to hear what the guy was going to say coz the girl who took care of the tent said that they were really professional that they had helped them in their studies(there were two tarot readers)...As I was saying...I didnt get to hear what the guy was about to say to Suraya...when my mom called me to ask where are you...come here so I asked Suraya...soorryy surayyaa! I have to go to my mother!

I went to my mom! I gave her some of the coupons that I havent used so I gave my mom rm 6 of mom asked me to buy the clearing sale...which they sell cheaper so everyone will buy it...I guess...So...I saw a lot of stalls are getting empty which they were..I thought to myself(C'mon Suraya! Please come fast...we have to go soon!) and guess what she came in a few seconds...that guy must've read my mind..LOL! mY mom said we had to buy some drinks to finish our coupons...I bought two orange juice(one for my mom and one for me) and strawberry float...and then we went back home..and I asked Suraya what that Tarot Reader had said to her but she could not understand much what she said with his Chinese-English(Chiglish...LOL! sOUnds like Childish!) accent...*wow I am really getting tired of typing! Let me just end with the last paragraph...(just hope it is short!)*

After that I went home with Suraya and I had to pack my bag coz I am going to sleepover at my aunt's house, Mak Ngah b'coz tht night I was going to watch Twilight Eclipse...It starts at 9:30pm....(I just hope I dont sleep in the movies...u_u)...Soo yeah....I visited my grandma and went straight to my aunt's house...! and here I am today just got back at 2 pm home...! ;) Wow is this the longest story I wrote in my blog...well not a storryy it's what has happened in 10th of July 2010 at 9.00am to know what enough BYE!!!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Worst Taekwondo Day Ever...

Today...I woke up in the morning about 8.55A.M.(somewhere there)...I went downstairs and asked my maid to cook me a burger for breakfast. I went to my living room and rest(but not sleeping)I was soo tired...and I remebered something...something that was important today...AAAHHH!!! MY TAEKWONDO TOURNAMENT SPARRING!!! OMY GOSH!!! It's todayyy!!!

So I got up from the sofa...and my maid finished cooking the burger for me(with egg wrapped around it)...I told my mom....she was like whaaa!!!! I am soo irresponsible...seriously..I definitely donno whyy!!! *sigh* Anyway...I went straight upstairs and changed to my taekwondo attire and took my blue belt...I was soo..gosh-what-is-happening-to-me-nowadays kinda feeling...It was already 9.05AM...I just took A SLICE OF BREAD only for breakfast(I know how sad!)
Just imagine rite're in my shoes while you're reading this...

I went to Sri Selangor...I went staright to Master Aru...and I asked him wether he had called me just now..alreadyy and he said no..not yet...I went to see people fighting with their opponent already (with helmet(head gear) and the vest..[tss..of course]).....I saw my two of my classmates...Leem Kye Wen and Brandon Loh...I asked am I late or something? Brandon Loh said,"Still Early,ah!" I was like...Say whaat? So I asked one of the instructors when will it be my turn...He said go and check with that guy with the black t-shirt there...

Dont worry..after this I will call you"...I was still cool at the first time I asked him... After a few hours(A FEW HOURS OF WAITINGGG you knowww So I went to him...and I asked him when will it be my turn? he was like,"Dont worry..dont worrryyyy! and all I did was sit and WAIT) I asked the instructor again that I still dont know when will it b my turn!And again he said ask that guy in that black t-shirt. Soh...I went to him..AGAIN and asked can I (please!) see when Im next...and the answer is obvious that he said..."Dont worry I will call you later.."After another THREE HOURS of waitin my dad and lil bro and big bro came and see me...they came to me and brought me to eat....I saw my dad and I broke to tears...wanna know why? You see.....I CRIED OF BOREDOMMM!!!! :'( My dad and lil bro went to Shell and bought me some bread I chosed...

I ate all my breads in the school canteen. I got wayy better...and when my dad said..."OK we have to go now"(them not me)...I was like oh man...*sigh* oh kayy..bye bye!
I didnt have anyone to talk to beside me like you know...pals that sit next to each other and talk abt taekwondo or other stuff...That's when I got really bored...seriously! Just imagine one to talk to...*sigh* ada lah jugak orang cakap but I dnt really no I cant talk much...About 1 pm...It was lunch break...(right after my dad left)...I just warm up on the mat and stretch...I went to the table(like counter kinda thing) and I also saw a boy that was askin' when will it be his turn...His also 14 and the same weight category as me...each match has what number is your match...? Oh I'm at match 23 or what so you know..(hope you know what I mean)

At 1 pm something...I asked when will it be my turn to fight...right now is like match number 44...I came like when was like...maybe a digit of number or like 10 and above...(SEE HOW LONG I WAITED!! and I thought I was late...).So I asked her when will it be my turn...and guess what...MINE IS NUMBER 77!!!!!! Now...I have to wait another three hours of boredom...of sitting...

At 4.15 pm...finally I saw my dad...and my big bro...he came to the school to see me...It was already like match numbr 71...(almost there..FINALLY!(KINDA..I mean yes finally))...I was already in my vest and other protections...And then I saw her...she is the most toughest opponent I ever had... she is so good that she had been champion for the tournament was 76 already...and when match 76 for round 2...that was the time I sms-ed my dad that I was scared to fight with dad was just a distance away from me...and he made a sign with his hands after I asked him to read my message and *thumbs up* to tell me to do my bro was like...DONT CARE! JUST BE AGGRESSIVEE!!! okay 77 this is iT..the referee called me...Ayiza Jasmin...(my name on the paper was spelled wrongly Aiza JasminE?)'s already 77 and it's my turn to challenge Sarah, Master Aru's fav student...I was like so I danced away I mean FIGHT AWAY :) (I know lame LOL...Anywayy...)...She was so good that I could just cry out of this...I tried to kick but I couldnt hit her vest pad thingy...

Finally..she' sure...I mean c'mon...a girl like me can win over Master Aru's fav student...? Uh..please...But guess what...I should thank her of winning becauseee......I CAN GO HOME!!!! and GET AWAY FROM know what I should really thank her...coz If I win(which I wont =.=")...I have to stay longer...Thanks Sarah!!!